Jackson Serial Number Lookup

In 1980, the Jackson Guitar Company was founded, which currently has production locations in 5 countries. Each production location has a unique format for the serial numbers, resulting in diverse serial number formats across the company.

The first Jackson serial number, J0001, appeared in 1983, as did the first Randy Rhoads serial number, RR0001.

Table of Contents

Where To Find Jackson Serial Number?

Depending on the model you can find the Jackson serial number stamped into the neck plate, on the fingerboard at the last fret or on the headstock.

Jackson Guitar Serial Number
Jackson Serial Number Location

Jackson Bolt-On-Neck Serial Number

Almost all bolt-on neck models (except the Junior) have serial numbers stamped on the neck plates.

Jackson Bolt-On guitars have a serial number that starts with 00. Custom Shop Bolt-Ons have a serial number with no leading zeros.

Custom Shop Bolt-On-Neck Serials

In 1986 the production of Jackson Custom Shop was in San Dimas, California. Since 1987 – in Ontario, California.

From 1987 to 1989, Jackson Custom Shop bolt-on guitars were not produced in strict serial number order. Due to a stamping machine error, serial numbers 5234 to 5999 in particular do not exist.

Custom Shop Bolt-On-Neck Serials Chart.

Serial NumberYear
1001 – 15051986
1506 – 73031987-1989
7304 – 74981990
7762 – 78141992
7815 – 78981993
7899 – 79731994
7974 – 80131995
8014 – 80551996
8056 – 80891997
8090 – 81381998
8139 – 81581999
8159 – 81762000
8177 –2001

USA Bolt-On-Neck Serials

Since 1990, Jackson Bolt-On-Neck guitars have been manufactured in Ontario, California. All USA Series bolt-on neck instruments have six-digit serial numbers on the neck plate. Except for a few four-digit serial numbers, which were reserved for custom instruments in the spring of 1990.

USA Bolt-On-Neck Serials Chart.

Serial NumberYear
000001 – 0009001990
000901 – 0015631991
001564 – 0017391992
001740 – 0019311993
001932 -0023241994
002325 – 0026871995
002688 – 0033701996
003371 – 0046761997
004677 – 0049231998
004924 – 0049741999
004975 – 0050502000
005051 –2001

Junior Bolt-On-Neck Serials

Since 1994, Jackson Junior Bolt-On-Neck guitars have been produced in Ontario, California. The serial number of Jackson Junior (the only Jackson bolt-on-neck model without neck plates) is stamped into the fingerboard.

Junior Bolt-On-Neck Serials Chart.

Serial NumberYear
0001JJ – 0091JJ1994
0092JJ – 0105JJ1995
0106JJ – 0256JJ1996
 0257JJ – 0422JJ1997
0423JJ – 0583JJ1998
0584JJ – 0605JJ1999
0606JJ – 0643JJ2000
0644JJ –2001

Jackson Neck-Thru-Body Serial Number

Jackson Neck-thru models have a serial number stamped on the fingerboard at the last fret.

Ontario, California-made neck-thru guitars have a serial number that starts with “UO”, but Ontario Custom Shop Jackson guitars have a serial number that starts with “J”, which adds some confusion.

Randy Rhoads Serial Number

From 1982 to 1986, the production of Randy Rhoads Neck-thru body guitars was located in San Dimas, California. Then in Ontario, California.

Randy Rhoads Neck-thru guitars from 1983 to the spring of 1990 had serial numbers that began with the letters RR followed by 4 digits. However, it should be noted that a few Rhoads guitars were mistakenly released with “J” serial numbers instead of RR.

Since 1991, only Custom Randy Rhoads guitars have had RR serial numbers. Production Rhoads guitars were considered USA models and had serial numbers starting with U0.

Randy Rhoads Serials Chart.

Serial NumberYear
RR0001 – RR02941983
RR0295 – RR09961984
RR0997 – RR17541985
RR1755 – RR19291986
RR1930 – RR21151987
RR2116 – RR22741988
RR2275 – RR25271989
RR2528 – RR26641990
RR2665 – RR26831991
RR2684 – RR27061992
RR2707 – RR27241993
RR2725 – RR27441994
RR2745 – RR27561995
RR2757 – RR27841996
RR2785 – RR28011997
RR2802 – RR28231998
RR2824 – RR28441999
RR2845 – RR28602000
RR2861 –2001

Custom Neck-Thru-Body Serials

From 1983 to 1986, production of Jackson Custom Neck-thru body guitars was located in San Dimas, California. Then in Ontario, California.

Before 1990, all Jackson Neck-thru-body guitars except the Randy Rhoads had “J” serial numbers, including the Soloist, King V, Kelly, Concert Bass, etc. But after the spring of 1990, only the Custom Neck-thru body models received “J” serial numbers.

The production Soloist, Kelly, King V models, etc. were now considered “USA” models and received U0 serial numbers.

There are exceptions, however, with production Neck-thru models from the 1990s sometimes being found with “J” or “RR” instead of “U” serial numbers.

Custom Neck-Thru-Body Serials Chart.

Serial NumberYear
J0001 – J00341983
J0035 – J040641984
J0407 – J15391985
J1540 – J27991986
J2800 – J40721987
J4073 – J50071988
J5008 – J565741989
J5658 – J58421990
J5843 – J59231991
J5924 – J59741992
J5975 – J60791993
J6080 – J61711994
J6172 – J62381995
J6239 – J63001996
J6301 – J63791997
J6380 – J64441998
J6445 – J65061999
J6506 – 65682000
J6569 –2001

Archtop Guitar Serial Number

In 1986, the production of Jackson Archtop guitars was located in San Dimas, California. Then in Ontario, California.

Archtop Serial Number Chart.

Serial NumberYear
JA0001 – JA00111986
JA0012 – JA00361987
JA0037 – JA00871988
JA0088 – JA01491989
JA0150 – JA01691990
JA0170 – JA01751991
JA0176 – JA01771992
JA0178 – JA01791993
JA0182 – JA01851999
JA0186 – JA01912000
JA0192 – JA1942001

USA Model Neck-Thru-Body Serials

Since 1990, the production of Jackson USA Model guitars was located in Ontario, California.

USA Model Neck-Thru-Body Serials Chart.

Serial NumberYear
UO0001 – UO08521990
UO0853 – UO17501991
UO1751 – UO20701992
UO2071 – UO25271993
UO2528 – UO29411994
UO2942 – UO32111995
UO3212 – UO40051996
UO4006 – UO52471997
UO5248 – UO69041998
UO6905 – UO76261999
UO7627 – UO89692000
UO8970 –2001

Jackson S, X, PRO Serial Numbers

Jackson JS, X and Pro Series guitars from 2013 to the present have a 10-digit serial number on the back of the headstock or on the neck plate.

The 3 letters indicate the production location and factory. The first two digits indicate the year.

Country letter codes:
I = Indonesia C = China N = India

Factory letter codes:
H = Harmony Musical Instruments W = World Music Instruments
C = Cort S = Samick

Example: ISJ1720250.
I = Indonesia S = Samick J = Jackson.
Year of construction = 17 (2017).

Japanese Jackson Serial Number

Jackson began producing guitars in Japan in 1990 after the success of the imported Charvel series. At first, Jackson imported only the Professional series MIJ neck-thru guitars (Pro models). In 1992, imports of the Professional series MIJ bolt-on guitars began.

The serial numbers of the Professional series MIJ guitars are 6 characters long, where the first digit corresponds to the year (0-5).

0xxxxx = 1990, 1xxxxx = 1991, 2xxxxx = 1992, 3xxxxx = 1993, 4xxxxx = 1994, 5xxxxx = 1995.

The exception is the Fusion model guitars, which also have a 6-digit serial number, but here the first two digits correspond to the year.

90xxxx = 1990, 91xxxx = 1991, 92xxxx = 1992, 93xxxx = 1993, 94xxxx = 1994, 95xxxx = 1995.

The Concept series was produced in 1994 and had a 7-digit serial number scheme, where the first 2 digits also correspond to the year of manufacture – 94xxxxx.

In 1996, all bolt-on MIJ guitars received a 7-digit serial number starting with 9600000, increasing sequentially as more guitars were produced.

But there are exceptions for a few 1996 models. 1995 was supposed to be the end of the Professional series, but apparently a few Professional series guitars were made in early 1996. Some new MIJ guitars called “No Series” for 1996 (SDK-2, Stealth EX, etc.) received 6-digit serial numbers during this transition period.

There were also some Professional guitars that received the new 7-digit serial number format, as well as some new “No Series” guitars that received a new serial number sequence “960000” in their 6-digit serial numbers.

Korean Jackson Serial Number

The MIJ Concept series moved production to Korea in 1995 and became the Performer series.

MIK Performers were given a 7-digit serial number starting with the number 1 and were serialized sequentially. Unfortunately, there is no definitive way to date these guitars.

Production of the MIK Performers ended in 1998 and was then moved to Japan.

Indian Jackson Serial Number

The JS20 was produced in India from 1996 using an 8-digit serial number scheme, where the first two digits corresponded to the year:

96xxxxxx = 1996, 01xxxxxx = 2001.

In 1998, Jackson launched a new X series, which was produced in India. The X series used the same serial number sequence as the JS20.

In 2001, the X series ended production in India and moved to Japan in 2002.

In late 2004, a new series of student models, the JS30xx, began production in India. This should not be confused with the JS30 series, which was produced between 2002 and 2004. The new JS30xx series featured lower-priced versions of the Jackson Randy Rhoads (JS30RR), Dinky (JS30DK and JS30DKT), Kelly (JS30KE), King V (JS30KV), and Warrior (JS30WR).

It appears that some early JS30xx production guitars were given 8-digit serial numbers starting with 04xxxxxx, identical to the MII JS20 guitars already being produced in India.

The normal serial number scheme for all JS30xx guitars is a 9-digit serial number, where the first four digits correspond to the year of production:

2004xxxxx = 2004, 2005xxxxx = 2005.

In early 2008, a 10th digit was added to the normal 9-digit MII serial number scheme – 2008xxxxxx = 2008.

Jackson JS20 Serial Number

MIJ guitars, called “No Series”, had a low-cost model, the JS20.

The JS20 was originally made in Taiwan (MIT), India (MII), Korea (MIK), and Japan (MIJ).

The serial numbers for the MIT JS20 are 8 digits long, with the first digit likely representing the year. It is likely that production of these guitars in Taiwan only occurred during 1996.

The serial numbers for the MII JS20 are also 8 digits long, with the first two digits representing the year: 96xxxxxx = 1996, 97xxxxxx = 1997, 01xxxxxx = 2001.

Serial numbers for the MIK JS20 are 7 digits long and start with the number 1.

Serial numbers for the MIJ JS20 follow exactly the same format as all other MIJ serial numbers since 1996, they are assigned a 7 digit serial number that increases sequentially.

Charvel Serial Number Lookup

USA Charvel

The first guitars produced by Charvel had no serial number. The neck plate only read ‘Made in USA’.

From 1981 a serial number was punched.

Charvel Serial Number Chart 1981-1986.

1001 – 10951981
1096 – 17241982
1725 – 29381983
2939 – 42611984
4262 – 53031985
5304 – 54911986

Charvel Pro-Mod Style 1, Style 2, DK24, Artist Series, and USA Select guitars made from 2013 to present have a 10-digit serial number located on the back of the headstock or fingerboard.

The first two digits of the serial number identify the year the guitar was made.

For example, a guitar with serial number ICJ1803478 was made in 2018.

Neck-thru/set-neck USA and Custom Shop guitars are typically stamped at the end of the fingerboard. Bolt-on USA and Custom Shop models are stamped on the neck plate.

But keep in mind that the serial number on USA and Custom Shop guitars usually does not indicate the year the guitar was made.

Japanese Charvel

Japanese Charvel guitars were manufactured in the Chu Shin Gakki factory in Nagano, prefecture. However, there are no lists of serial numbers for Japanese guitars.

The year and place of manufacture of such guitars can only be determined by indirect signs, such as body and bridge details.

Most Japanese Charvels were manufactured with a black Kahler 2500 series bridge. These guitars should have a plate on the headstock with a serial number somewhere between 220000 and 250000.

Japanese Charvel serial numbers started at 220000 for the 1986 product line.

The Kahler 2300 series tremolo system was also produced in the early 1986 series before the Japanese Charvels switched to a licensed Floyd Rose bridge.

The 1987 Charvels introduced the Jackson JT-6 Tremolo.

In 1986, the Charvel Model 4 lineup had mother-of-pearl dot fret markers. In 1987, the Charvel Model 4 had Jackson-style shark fin inlays.

In Japan, models from the 1987 import line were released with a body color that matched the headstock color. These special edition Charvel models were made for the Japanese domestic market.

Chushin Gakki acted as the distributor and manufacturer of the Jackson Charvel in Japan. The factory created limited edition and import Charvel models after 1986-87.

In 1987, several import Charvel models were created for specific parts of the world, which mostly never made it to the United States.

In 1996, Chushin Gakki released Made in Japan versions of the San Dimas series. The Japan-only San Dimas series of guitars were released to the Japanese market in 1996. The Japan Group introduced these models, as well as a variety of other guitars, mostly handmade.

A variety of other neck-through and bolt-on models were also made. Guitars released in 1996 featured the familiar late 1980s logos on the headstock.

Japanese-made Charvel guitars had different logos in different product lines.

The first imports were issued with a guitar-shaped Charvel logo, very similar to the original San Dimas Charvel logo. The trademarked Charvel logos were present on more 1986 Charvel import guitars.

The Charvel™ logo was present in the 248xxx – 25xxxx serial number range.

The Charvel logo with the “TM” disappeared at some point before the introduction of the 1987 model line. No Charvel import guitars were produced with the Jackson JT-6 Floyd Rose type tremolo, which had the Charvel™ logo.

The Charvel ® logo appeared on Charvels in late 1986. Any Charvel import with the Charvel ® logo is from the 1987 or later Charvel product line. These guitars are believed to have serial numbers in the 310000 range.

Jackson History

Before the early 1980s, Grover Jackson was employed by guitar builder and manufacturer Wayne Charvel, who was known for producing Fender Stratocaster copies and was the first to create a 24-fret guitar, the “Superstrat.”

Jackson founded his own company in 1980, focusing on crafting customized guitars for individual customers.

One of his earliest clients was Randy Rhoads, the guitarist for Ozzy Osbourne, who inspired the creation of the “RR” model based on the Flying V or Gibson design.

The exceptional quality of Jackson Guitars drew the attention of heavy metal musicians and led to the development of iconic models such as the King V, Soloist, Concert, and Dinky. These guitars were originally produced in San Dimas, California, and later in Ontario, California.

In 1985, Jackson was acquired by IMC, which aimed to expand its guitar market. While Jackson continued to produce high-end guitars, they also began manufacturing more affordable versions of their standard designs in Asia to cater to customers with smaller budgets.

In late 2002, Fender Musical Instruments Corporation purchased Jackson from IMC, and American production was subsequently relocated to the Fender factory in Corona, California.

Despite the expansion of their product line and manufacturing locations, Jackson has maintained a reputation for producing top-quality guitars.

Jackson guitars have always inspired and fascinated me. Just seeing one makes you think, “You need to own at least one of these!” I’ve only had two Jacksons in my life, and not for long, but the experience was incredible. They are as simple as they are stunning in sound and appearance. Unfortunately, I’ve since sold them. Maybe when the cold winter breeze comes around, I’ll pick up another one and have some fun again!