9 Best Gretsch Guitars
Gretsch guitars have been a staple for many renowned musicians across genres. Whether you’re into rockabilly, country, jazz, or rock, there’s a Gretsch waiting for you.
Gretsch guitars have been a staple for many renowned musicians across genres. Whether you’re into rockabilly, country, jazz, or rock, there’s a Gretsch waiting for you.
Billy Duffy, lead guitarist for The Cult, is a rock titan. His collaboration with Gretsch has resulted in a guitar that reflects Duffy’s artistry, spirit, and passion for music.
For Brian, his signature ESP guitars have been key companions, helping him express himself.
Adrian Smith, the guitarist of the legendary Iron Maiden, has collaborated with Jackson to bring forth a series of signature guitars that reflect his preferences and playing style.
While Bono is primarily known as a singer rather than a guitarist, his collaboration with Gretsch, resulting in the G6136I Bono Falcon, is something that needs to be talked about.
Ben Burnley is the founder and frontman of Breaking Benjamin. His penchant for deeper tones and alternate tunings led him to collaborate with ESP to create signature guitars.
Alex Skolnick is known for his ability to effortlessly switch between heavy metal and jazz. ESP released a range of Alex Skolnick signature guitars.
Bill Kelliher is a guitarist of the heavy metal band Mastodon. ESP has partnered with Bill to create signature models that carry his aggressive yet melodic playing style.
Alan Ashby is a rhythm guitarist for the American metalcore band Of Mice & Men. His unique style paved the way for a collaboration with ESP to create 2 signature guitars: the ESP LTD AA-600 and the ESP LTD AA-1.
Ben Weinman is the lead guitarist of The Dillinger Escape Plan. His BW-1 EverTune is one of the most unique and innovative guitars in the LTD Signature Series.